Pace of Speech & Speech of SoundsPace is a key to effective communication, in which the speech is clearly understood and made interesting. Pronunciation of consonants and vowel sounds made easy with correct syllabic division and stress patterns
Vocabulary & Pronunciation
5000+ words (8 levels) with picture representation helps the students in learning new words. 2000+ difficult words to recite for better pronunciationFluency & intonationImproving the knowledge of English by mastering variations in volume, pitch, speed and stress. In order to improve fluency Audio/Visual applications based on stress, intonation and modulation are practiced.
ASL & MTIModel used for Assessment of speaking and listening skills to communicate, enrich and evaluate the learner’s proficiency. A focus on ‘Mother Tongue Influence’ (MTI) to overcome pronunciation differences of consonant sounds using mouth movements.
phonetics & Syllabic divisionThe accent of different words made easy through phonetics. Almost 3000+ syllabic words are used from Mono syllabic to Hexa syllabic.
soft skills 6 hours of various topics related to soft skills are covered, i.e., Self, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Group Discussion and Interview Skills.